Alpha Bites #008

Your Weekly Go To For All Things Web3

Celsius. Word of the week. But we’re not talking about the heatwave! Celsius, a leading crypto platform, filed for bankruptcy in the last week, the third one to do so within 3 weeks. However, this isn’t a sign to exit all crypto. Instead, it’s a chance to better understand the market, DYOR*, read up (just like you would with stocks or other investments) and diversify when it comes building your portfolio. It’s also giving lawmakers reason to define new laws around crypto and metaverse investments for the future, as the Metaverse is the future. Stocks and businesses tumble all the time, and markets go back up, just like we’re seeing several of crypto’s leaders going up this week too. Here’s looking at you Ethereum with a 50% increase since Friday.

And quick news! We’ve migrated to Revue - to end up less in your spam folder, and be of better service to you. If this was forwarded to you, subscribe now for The Vested, a weekly newsletter breaking down web3, brought to you by an all-female team.

Here is your weekly 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Hot Tip: Set aside 10 min a day to jump in! Even if it's just scrolling through your newly web3 filled social feeds.

5 Accounts to Follow: fill up your feed

4 Articles to Read: two speeds this week

For a deep dive article

Shorter Bites

3 Podcasts to Listen to: all ears on deck

For a fun and educational endeavor:

2 Terms to Learn: the more you know

  • Staking - a way to earn passive income by digitally 'lending' your digital assets through a platform without actually selling them.

  • Automated market maker - A part of decentralized exchanges that were introduced to remove any intermediaries in the trading of crypto assets. They are autonomous trading mechanisms that eliminate the need for centralized exchanges and related market-making techniques.

*DYOR: we've covered this before, but a quick refresher: do your own research

1 Project to Know: culture for all

Arkive: the world's first decentralized museum. They aim to "create a community of everyday people who want to curate, own and create culture by opening access to one of the most exclusive asset classes ever created: museums."

Weekly Sign Up: Become a Coin Queen

Want to learn how to introduce your women to web3? Create a captive audience for your NFT project? Then join Coin Queen's at her next Wine, Women, and Wallets virtual event.

Shira Lazar on Instagram: Virtual skateparks, Disney NFTs, and so much more! Here are the top 5 NFT stories of the week

Want to mint your first NFT, but still nervous?

We've got you. Sign up for our Girls Who Mint Fund*. You'll get $100 worth of Ethereum and a 1:1 onboarding call. We'll answer your questions, help you with set up, and teach you how to mint. Better yet- grab a friend and sign up together! There's plenty to go around.

*Open to girls, women + non-binary folks

If you're ready to dive in, we'd love for you to join our moxie family. At Miss O Cool Girls, we're working to ensure that girls aren't left out of web3. We're building better, safer, more empowering spaces online, as we change the toxic content narrative for girls. Mint a moxie here.

Archived How-To's

If you or someone you know has a web3 platform that we should share, drop us a line here: [email protected]

Want to read past newsletters? Head to our profile to check them out.

Written w moxie from The Miss O Cool Girls NFT Team