Alpha Bites #010

Happy #010 edition of The Vested! Thank you for being on this journey w us. We jumped into this world of web3 back in October, and seeing how web2 companies are adapting web3 into their growth strategy is exciting to watch. We see you Gucci.

The week we’re taking the time to share with you the mission of Miss O Cool Girls, which came from Juliette Brindak Blake’s web2 company, Miss O and Friends. The Miss O and Friends brand has been around since 2005, starting as a hobby then turning into a business after receiving significant investment from Procter & Gamble. Through the Miss O and Friends website (#1 tween girls website), app (only safe chat app for tween girls) and video content (YouTube Originals series, Hyperlinked), Miss O and Friends is a safe socialization brand creating an authentic and genuine community “by girls, for girls.” 

As for the company’s ventures into web3, Miss O Cool Girls aims to continue to be a source of safe internet interactions for young girls, building a blockchain enabled platform to meet all their needs for their evolving social self. MOCG is positioned as an early adopter in the internet’s transition to web3, creating a healthier and safer environment allowing girls to shape their own narrative. By featuring unique and diverse traits - acne, braces, gap teeth - the mission is to empower and build self-esteem in girls to continue to offset how current media and social media consumption are leading to toxic bullying, trolling, and negative role models.

We're also using our platform to educate girls about crypto and web3 through Girls Who Mint, invest in other girl and women NFT projects, and donate a portion of initial sales to like-minded foundations aligned with our mission, like Girl Up.

We highly recommend giving Juliette’s talk with BFF a listen for a more in-depth vision of Miss O Cool Girls current success and future goals. Let's go moxie fam!

psst if you're a moxie holder, we'd so appreciate you taking this super quick survey

Here's Your Weekly 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Hot Tip: Set aside 10 min a day to jump in! Even if it’s just scrolling through your newly web3 filled social feeds.

5 Accounts to Follow: fill up your feed

4 Articles to Read: bc a 200 year old brand entering web3 is kind of a big deal

Some headlines this week:

3 Terms to Know: vocab check!

  • Buy the dip- An investing strategy involves buying an asset when its price has fallen to reap the benefits when it rises again.  

  • Encryption- The process of making digital information into a form that prevents unauthorized access. If you use a password to access a website, the site should encrypt it so that it is of no use to hackers if stolen. 

  • Ledger- A record of transactions maintained by centralized financial institutions and decentralized finance applications. Data for each transaction entered into a ledger may include times, dates, senders, and recipients.

2 Listens: for some daily inspo

BFF 🌈’s space · Where live audio conversations happen

1 Company: bc it's getting hot out there

It was recently reported there was a major hack in progress that was targeting wallets using the Solana ecosystem, with thousands of users reporting their wallets being drained. Best way to protect yourself? Move everything over to a cold wallet, like Ledger, the secure way to keep your crypto assets safe.

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If you or someone you know has a web3 platform that we should share, drop us a line here: [email protected]

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Written w moxie from The Miss O Cool Girls NFT Team