Your Weekly Go To For All Things Web3

GM Moxie Fam! What a crazy couple of weeks that have gone by. We understand the fear and frustration of many in the industry. Make sure to take time away from online consumption & go outside to touch some grass! This week has proved that our crypto communities are strong & resilient- we're not stopping here & are ready to keep growing our fam.

With that, we've curated this week's content to offer a mix of understanding FTX content with uplifting & inspiring content happening in Web3- some of which has been created by members of our community!

Here's Your Weekly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Hot Tip: Set aside 10 min a day to jump in! Even if it’s just scrolling through your newly web3-filled social feeds.

1 Action Point this Week:

Get yourself a non-custodial wallet to secure your crypto and holdings! A non-custodial wallet is a type of wallet where only you, the user, control the private keys.

2 Terms to Know:

  • Cold Wallet- a way of holding cryptocurrency tokens offline. Cold wallets help cryptocurrency investors prevent hackers from being able to access their holdings. It is an extra layer of security.

  • Private Keys- a secure code that enables a holder to make cryptocurrency transactions and prove ownership of their holdings. They are similar to a password. Private keys represent final control and ownership of cryptocurrency. It is vitally important to prevent one's private keys from being lost or compromised. Here is a helpful guide on private keys, passwords and seed phrases.

3 Reads:

4 Podcasts to Listen to:

On making sense of FTX:

To remember why we're Bullish on Web3:

5 People to Follow:

Some Good News This Week

Over the last few months, we’ve been connecting with Miss O Community members who are receiving ETH as part of our Girls Who Mint Fund. We’ve video chatted with girls, teens, young adults and parents around the world – from Korea to Pakistan to Montenegro to Australia to New York to Thailand to Las Vegas to Paris… to name a few!

So far, we have been able to connect personally with over 200 girls and women providing them with education and ETH and we’re just getting started. Check out our latest update on Girls Who Mint and what's next in the new year. Huge shout out to our holders who are also tapping into their communities and organizing GWM events. Reach out to us if you want to co-host with us!

Calling All $RARE Holders

There's only a few days left to vote in the Super Rare Space Race. Our space will focus on art created by girls. We want to lower the barrier to entry for girls in web3 by giving them real opportunities to get involved! Vote for Moxie-Miss O Cool Girls. Not a $RARE holder? RT and share for visibility!

Going to Art Basel in Miami?

We're super excited to be on the Unrevealed Stage with Adam Posner (Probably Nothing Talent) and Andy Krainak (VeeFriends) at the Surfcomber December 3rd! Join us! You can get the link to register and passcode in our Moxie Hub on Geneva. Jump in now.


If you or someone you know has web3 platform that we should share, drop us a line here: [email protected]

Written w moxie from The Miss O Cool Girls NFT Team